The power of creativity in a student’s education is incalculable. The artistic process fosters resilience, problem-solving, confidence, and self-expression in even our youngest learners. And perhaps most important, sharing art and music with our wider community brings us together through shared beauty and understanding. Albert Einstein once stated, “Personally, I experience the greatest degree of pleasure in having contact with works of art. They furnish me with happy feelings of an intensity that I cannot derive from other sources.”
Despite the many challenges of COVID-19, the arts have continued to provide Barrington 220 performers, technicians, and artists intensely powerful moments of healing and collaboration. The creativity and grit of BHS Fine Arts teachers and students were put to the test as they problem-solved how to design outdoor concerts, drive-up plays, weekly BHS-TV episodes, virtual and outdoor art shows, at-home artistic explorations, and so much more. The “Winter Wonderfest” in December was a powerful artistic highlight to 2020, during which thousands of audience members drove through a spectacular, student-designed light show and enjoyed the performances of 150 students over three days. The intense joy of collaborating with elementary schools, BHS sports teams, school clubs, parent groups, and so many more members of the community was a life-changing experience for our students.
The magic of live back-and-forth interaction between an audience and student artists is unparalleled. We are so proud of the following BHS seniors who have problem-solved, created, and shared their gifts with our community over the last four years. We thank all our 220 artists, musicians, and technicians for their joyful contributions to our wider community, especially through our recent challenges. You have indeed brought “happy feelings of an intensity [we] cannot derive from other sources.”
About the Author
Brigid K. Tileston, NBCT, is the K-12 Director of Fine, Visual and Performing Arts for Barrington 220, and an Apple Teacher. She may be reached at 847-842-3213. Follow on Instagram @220finearts and on Twitter @220arts.
Gavin Sprinkle, Barrington
I plan on studying Drama and Theatre at Indiana University and I hope to eventually transfer into Musical Theatre Drama and Theatre at Indiana University. The Fine Arts department here at BHS has given me countless opportunities to showcase my talents and help me work to improve in specific areas. The teachers and community have helped me grow into the person I am now and in deciding to pursue this passion of mine for music and theatre. I’m the current co-president of Noteworthy a Cappella, served as section leader on many occasions, and participated in a few vocal competitions. My dream job is to be able to perform on Broadway or the West End in London.

Riley Trapp, Barrington
I am studying Studio TV in the Barrington 220 Fine Arts program. My goal is to major in Broadcast Journalism in college. Barrington’s Fine Arts has helped me by introducing me to my future career, something I want to do for the rest of my life. I’ve been nominated by the National Academy of Television Sciences Awards for work done in the Studio TV Class at BHS. My dream job is to work as a Major League Baseball announcer.

Grace Bogue, Barrington
I remember visiting all the high school shows when I was younger and wanting to be a part of that community when I got older. Because of this, I started auditioning my freshman year for all the theatre productions and haven’t stopped since. I’m involved in choir and theatre at the high school. I’m the Drama Club President and am in two of the four a cappella groups, too. The BHS Fine Arts department has been my life for the past four years. It’s given me a lovely group of friends and even a career to pursue in the future. I’m also part of the International Thespian Society Troupe #771 and am a member of the Tri-M Music Honors Society. My dream job would be working in a Broadway or off-Broadway theatre in New York as an actor in a play or musical.

Grant Lendvay, Barrington
I am studying Vocal Performance at DePaul University this academic 2021-2022 year. I am involved in Choir, Theater, and the Fine Arts as a whole and have been during my four years at BHS. I will be majoring in Vocal Performance at DePaul’s School of Music.
I have learned so much from the Fine Arts staff and students during my time at BHS, and am honored to have met so many influential and generous people. Everyone has played a crucial part in my development as a musician and as a person overall. I am incredibly grateful to have had these opportunities and experiences in the Fine Arts because they have allowed me to explore creative outlets and have relationships that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. I have been awarded as an ILMEA All State Musician for 2020-2021, Most Dedicated in Choraliers, and have maintained numerous leadership positions in the Fine Arts. My dream is to use my voice in a musical career and to develop myself as a musician in the next chapter of my education.

Jalen Fertig, South Barrington
I am primarily a choir student, involved in two choirs, two A Cappella groups, choir board, Madrigals, and our school musical. My main focus in high school is choir and I will be obtaining a Bachelor of Music in Music Education at the University of Miami Frost School of Music.
My experiences throughout the BHS Fine Arts Department, such as being the president of Noteworthy A Cappella, or being Music Director of “Pump Boys and Dinettes”, provided me with impactful experiences that incited my passion for music education. I have had so much fun learning how to be a leader through Mr. Pemberton’s guidance and by helping direct my peers.
I was in the ILMEA District 7 Choir, served as the Tenor section leader in both Chamber Choir and Choraliers, and have earned the top ranking in our district’s solo and ensemble festival. I would love to earn my Ph.D. and teach at the collegiate level.

Damian Rzadkowski, Barrington
I’m studying graphic design, digital art, and 2D digital pictures. The BHS Fine Arts Department helped me find my passion for doing art on the computer. I’ve learned a ton and I never would’ve come this far without my teachers. The general teaching in the beginning of freshman year, leading up to pushing the students further later on works. The art teachers at this school provide motivation in whatever you’re striving for. I never felt like I wasn’t accommodated for, because classmates, teachers, and various resources are there to provide for you. If I ever had trouble working on a project, I could email a teacher or ask another student. This is a skill that I can use in the future. Art is a part of me now, and I have the Art Department to thank for it, so I’ll continue to pursue art in the future, and it might even lead to me have a job in the field I’m passionate for. My dream job is to have satisfaction from the work and process itself. Right now, what I’m attached to is making art and working creatively on the computer. I’d be really happy at the current moment to be a concept artist, or a general designer for advertisements.

Jessica Shimp, Fox River Grove
I study music and theatre at BHS. I participate strongly in the choir program in Chamber Choir, in a capella groups, and as part of the choir board as choir board president. I also perform in musicals and sometimes work behind the scenes as a student director. In college, I am planning to major in music therapy. I have been given so many opportunities to flourish in the BHS Fine Arts department. I have learned leadership skills and through those experiences have learned that I wanted to work with children. My dream job is honestly just to work in a field that combines music with the ability to help others, which is why music therapy is the perfect fit for me!

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